Computer Virus - I Need Help

Computer viruses, no matter if it's Malware, Trojans, Spyware or any of the other nuisance software programs out in cyber space, are so easy to get on your computer these days. If your computer hooks up to the internet and you do any sort of email, online gaming or downloading music or videos you open yourself up to the world of viruses and malicious programs.
What is a computer virus?
The long and short of it, a compute virus is a program that gets into your computer operating system and sits their nice and quiet just waiting for the right moment to turn itself on and affect the legitimate programs in your computer or your main operating system itself. Computer viruses are small software files that can cause your computer operating system to crash or can steal your personal identity. Malicious programs also can steal your identity, corrupt programs in your computer, destroy personal information that you may have stored on your computer, corrupt firmware and cause hardware issues in your computer turning off devices and not allowing them to be turned back on, such as external hard drives, dvd drives, and etc.
Is your computer running slow?
We get a lot of calls to our shop from customers saying that their computer is not running fast or not acting correctly like it did when they purchased the machine. Nine times out of ten we find that the issue is either a virus or some sort of Malware has infected the computer and causing it to slow down or to do strange things to the computer. When I talk about strange things, I am talking about maybe the computer does not allow you to down load pictures from your camera like it did last week. Or maybe your external hard drive is no longer being recognized like it was the other day. These are a couple examples that we see quit often from customers.
How do I avoid getting a compute virus?
Let's put it this way, you cannot keep virus free unless you just use your computer as a word processor or use it to play solitaire and stay off the internet. In today's high tech society it is not as easy as many people tend to say it is. It is reported in several journals that in the year 2010 more than one million new viruses were registered in six months alone. There were four new viruses being released every minuet of every day. Further reports show that there was several million code malicious Malware code was written and released to attack Windows Operating Systems. There are several different forms of Antivirus protection software packages on the market today. With so many viruses hitting the network no one virus protection software package will protect you for 100 % of the virus attacks that are out in cyberspace. Another way to look at it is, you are never going to avoid a virus as long as you look at stuff on the internet, read emails, or download stuff on to your computer either by the internet or by a zip drive or some other sort of external memory device.
Malicious spyware, viruses, and malware removal programs.
There are numerous programs on the market to help you recover from getting attacked by these malicious programs. I am not going to say go out and purchase or download a certain program and this is going to solve all your issues. I have been in the computer industry for over 30 years and I have not found a simple fix to any of these issues. A lot of programs will say click here and we will rid your computer of all viruses and spyware in your computer. Hear Me, do not believe what you read. There is no simple fix to malicious programs on your computer; there is some very good programs out there that will assist you in healing your computer. But the way malicious programs work is that several of them will attack files in your computer registry and cause severe problems when the malicious programs are removed from the registry.
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