FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS: Introduction, Digital Signals, Basic digital circuits (AND Operation, NOT Operation, OR Operation), NAND and NOR Operations, Exclusive – OR Operation, Boolean Algebra, Examples Of IC Gates.
NUMBER SYSTEMS AND CODES: Introduction, Number Systems, Binary Number System(Binary to Decimal Conversion, Decimal to Binary Conversion), Signed Binary Numbers(Sign Magnitude Representation, 1′s Complement Representation, 2′s Complement Representation), Binary Arithmetic (Binary Addition, Binary Subtraction, Binary Multiplication, Binary Division), 2′s Complement Arithmetic (Subtraction using 2′s Complement, Addition/Subtraction using 2′s Complement), Octal Number System(Octal to Decimal Conversion, Octal to Binary Conversion, Decimal to Octal Conversion, Binary to Octal Conversion, Octal Arithmetic, Applications of Octal Number System), Hexadecimal Number System(Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion, Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion, Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion, Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion, Conversion from HEX to Octal and vice versa, Hexadecimal Arithmetic), Codes (Straight Binary Code, Natural BCD Code, Excess-3 Code, Gray Code, Octal Code, Hexadecimal Code, Alphanumeric Code), Error Detecting and Error Correcting Codes.
COMBINATIONAL LOGIC CIRCUITS: Introduction, Standard Representation for Logical Functions, Karnaugh Map Representations of Logical Functions (Representation of Truth Table on K-Map, Representation of Standard SOP Form on K-Map, Representation of Standard POS Form on K-Map),Simplification of Logical Functions Using K Map(Grouping two adjacent Ones, Grouping four adjacent Ones, Grouping 2,4 and 8 adjacent Ones), Minimization of Logical Functions Specified in Minterms/Maxterms or Truth Table (Minimization of SOP Form, Minimization of POS Form), Minimization of Logical Functions not specified in Minterms/Maxterms, Don’t Care Conditions, Design Examples( Airthematic Circuits, BCD to 7 Segment Decoder), EX-OR AND EX-NOR Simplification of K-Maps(Diagonal and Offset Adjacencies of Groups of Ones), Five and Six Variable K-Maps, Quine-Mc Cluskey Minimization Technique.
COMBINATIONAL LOGIC DESIGN USING MSI CIRCUITS: Introduction, Multiplexers and Their use in Combinational Logic Design ( Multiplexer, Combinational Logic Design Using Multiplexers, Multiplexer Tree), Demultiplexers/Decoders and their use in Combination Logic Design(Demultiplexer, Demultiplexer Tree), Address and their use as Subtractors (Adder with Look Ahead Carry, Cascading of Adders, Subtraction Using Adder), BCD Arithmetic (BCD Adder, BCD Subtractor), Arithematic and Logic Unit(ALU).
FLIP FLOP’s : Introduction, A 1-Bit Memory Cell, Clocked S-R Flip-Flop (Preset and Clear), J-K Flip-Flop (Race around Condition, Master Slave JK Flip Flop), D-Type Flip Flop, T-Type Flip Flop, Excitation Table of Flip Flop, Clocked Flip Flop Design (Conversion from one type of Flip Flop to Another Type), Edge Triggered Flip Flop’s, Application of Flip Flop’s (Bounce-Elimination Switch, Registers, Counters, Random Access Memory).
SEMICONDUCTOR MEMORIES :Introduction, Memory Organization and Operation (Write Operation, Read Operation), Expanding Memory Size (Expanding Word Size, Expanding Word Capacity), Classification and Characteristics of Memories (Principle of Operations, Physical Characteristics, Mode Of Access, Fabrication Technology), Sequential Memory(Static Shift Register, Dynamic Shift Register), Read Only Memory (ROM Organization, Programming Mechanisms, ROM IC’s), Read and Write Memory(Bipolar RAM Cell, MOS RAMs, RAM ICs), Content Addressable Memory(Operation of CAM), Charge Coupled Device Memory(BAsic Concept of CCD, Operation of CCD, A Practical CCD Memory Device).
SET THEORY :Set & Its elements, Set description, Types of Sets, Ven-Euler Diagrams, Basic Set Operations, Fundamental products, Partitions of Sets, Minsets, Algebra of Sets & Duality.
RELATIONS & DIAGRAPHS : Cartesian Product of sets, Binary relations, Representation of relations on finite sets, Path in relations & diagraphs, Types of relations, Composition of relations.
FUNCTIONS : Definition & notation of a function, Types of functions, Invertible functions, Composition of functions, Functions for computer science, Set representation in a Computer, Greatest common divisor, Least Common Multiple.
MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION : Principle of Mathematical Induction.
PERMUTATIONS & COMBINATIONS : Role of Sum & Product, Permutations (Important deductions, Permutations with Repetition of Objects, Circular Permutations, Restricted Permutations), Combinations (Important Results, restricted combinations, combinations of objects not all different).
RECURRENCE : Recurrence relation, Linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients, Solution of Linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients, Solution of non-homogeneous recurrence relations, Methods of generating functions.
MATHEMATICAL LOGIC : Prepositional Calculus, Basic Logical operations (Conjuction, disjunction, Negation, derived connectives), Statements generated by a set, conditional statements, Converse Inverse & Contrapositive statements, Biconditional statements, Tautologies, Contradiction, Contigency, Argument, Methods of proof, Equivalence & Implication, Statement Calculus.
BOOLEAN ALGEBRA : Laws of Boolean algebra, Basic Theorems, Duality Principle, Bolean Functions, Applications of Boolean Algebra.
Introduction to Office 2000: Introduction Microsoft Office 2000, Benefits of Office 2000, What is New in Office 2000, Overview of Office 2000, Launching Office 2000 Applications, Switching between Office 2000 Applications, Office 2000 Help System, Detect & Repair Windows, Menus and Toolbars, Closing (Existing) Office Applications, Windows, Menus, Dialog Boxes and Toolbars, Application Windows, The Application’s Workplace, Document Navigation, Working with Several Document Windows, Menus and Dialog Boxes, Dialog Box Options,Toolbars, Printing Documents, Exercises.
Introduction to Databases, DBMS and RDBMS : Introduction, Information, Quality of Information, Information Processing, What is a Database?,Why a Database?, Charateristics of Data in a Database, What is a Database Management System (DBMS)?, Need for DBMS, Types of DBMS, Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), RDBMS Terminology, Relational Data Structure, Relational Data Intergrity, Conclusion, Review Questions.
Access 2000 Basics : Introduction, Starting Access 2000, Access Startup Dialog Box, Menus and Toolbars, Using Toolbar Buttons, Arranging Buttons on the Toolbar, Viewing Data, Creating an Access 2000 Database and Tables, Database Properties, Modifying Tables, Creating Forms, Entering and Updating Data Using Forms, Navigating between Records in a Form, Finding, Editing and Deleting Data in a Form, Using Access 2000 Help, Using Answer Wizard, Using the
Contents Tab to Get Help, Using the Index Tab to ger Help, Exercises.
Report and Queries : Introduction, Sorting and Filtering Records, Creating and Printing Reports, Creating and Using Queries.
Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) : Introduction, Characteristics of SQL, Advanges of SQL, Types of SQL Tables, Create Table, NULLS, Data Manipulation, Update Operations, SQL in Access.
Query by Example (QBE) : Introduction, SELECT Queries in QBE, Make-Table Query, DELETE Query, UPDATE Query, APPEND Query, Conclusion, Exercises.
Analysis of Algorithms : Why Analyze Algorithms?; What is Analysis?; What Analysis doesn’t do?; What to count and consider?; Cases to Consider during Analysis; Rates of Growth; Analysis of Sequential Search Algorithm (Worst Case Analysis, Average Case Analysis).
Arrays : What are Arrays?; Array Operations; Merging of Two Arrays; Two-Dimensional Arrays (Row Major and Column Major Arrangement, Common Matrix Operations, More Matrix Operations); Array of Pointers; Multidimensional Arrays; Arrays and Polynomials; Multiplication of Polynomials.
Strings : What are Strings?; Representation of Strings; Operations on Strings; Pointers and Strings; A Two-Dimensional Array of Strings; Array of Pointers to Strings; Limitation of Array of Pointers to Strings; Pattern Matching (Brute Force Algorithm); Few More String Functions.
Linked Lists : What is a Linked List?; Operations on Linked Lists; Ascending Order Linked Lists; Reversing the Links; Merging of Linked Lists; Sorting a Linked List; Circular Linked List (Function delcirq(), Function cirq_display()); A few more Operations; Recursive Operation on Linked Lists; Doubly Linked Lists (Function d_append(), Function d_addatbeg(), function d_addafter(), function d_delete()); Linked Lists and Polynomials (Function poly_multiply(), Function padd()).
Sparse Matrices : Representation of Sparse Matrix as an Array; Common Matrix Operations; Transpose of a Sparse Matrix; Addition of Two Sparse Matrices; Multiplication of Two Sparse Matrices; Linked Representation of a Sparse Matrix; Other forms of a Sparse Matrix.
Stacks : Operations on Stack; Stack as an Array; Stack as a Linked List; Applications of Stacks; Infix to Prefix Conversion; Infix to Post-fix conversion; Postfix to prefix conversion; postfix to infix conversion; Evaluation of Postfix expression.
Queues : Representation of Queue as an Array; Representation of a Queue as a Linked List; Circular Queues; Dequeue; Priority Queue; Array Implementation of a Priority Queue.
Trees : Binary Trees; Traversal of a Binary Tree; Representation of a Binary Trees in Memory (Linked Representation of Binary Trees, Array Representation of Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees); Operations on a Binary Search Tree (Searching of a Node in a BST, Insertion of a Node in a BST, Deletion from a Binary Tree, Applications of Binary Trees (Representing Expressions In Binary Trees).
FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS: Introduction, Digital Signals, Basic digital circuits (AND Operation, NOT Operation, OR Operation), NAND and NOR Operations, Exclusive – OR Operation, Boolean Algebra, Examples Of IC Gates.
NUMBER SYSTEMS AND CODES: Introduction, Number Systems, Binary Number System(Binary to Decimal Conversion, Decimal to Binary Conversion), Signed Binary Numbers(Sign Magnitude Representation, 1′s Complement Representation, 2′s Complement Representation), Binary Arithmetic (Binary Addition, Binary Subtraction, Binary Multiplication, Binary Division), 2′s Complement Arithmetic (Subtraction using 2′s Complement, Addition/Subtraction using 2′s Complement), Octal Number System(Octal to Decimal Conversion, Octal to Binary Conversion, Decimal to Octal Conversion, Binary to Octal Conversion, Octal Arithmetic, Applications of Octal Number System), Hexadecimal Number System(Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion, Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion, Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion, Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion, Conversion from HEX to Octal and vice versa, Hexadecimal Arithmetic), Codes (Straight Binary Code, Natural BCD Code, Excess-3 Code, Gray Code, Octal Code, Hexadecimal Code, Alphanumeric Code), Error Detecting and Error Correcting Codes.
COMBINATIONAL LOGIC CIRCUITS: Introduction, Standard Representation for Logical Functions, Karnaugh Map Representations of Logical Functions (Representation of Truth Table on K-Map, Representation of Standard SOP Form on K-Map, Representation of Standard POS Form on K-Map),Simplification of Logical Functions Using K Map(Grouping two adjacent Ones, Grouping four adjacent Ones, Grouping 2,4 and 8 adjacent Ones), Minimization of Logical Functions Specified in Minterms/Maxterms or Truth Table (Minimization of SOP Form, Minimization of POS Form), Minimization of Logical Functions not specified in Minterms/Maxterms, Don’t Care Conditions, Design Examples( Airthematic Circuits, BCD to 7 Segment Decoder), EX-OR AND EX-NOR Simplification of K-Maps(Diagonal and Offset Adjacencies of Groups of Ones), Five and Six Variable K-Maps, Quine-Mc Cluskey Minimization Technique.
COMBINATIONAL LOGIC DESIGN USING MSI CIRCUITS: Introduction, Multiplexers and Their use in Combinational Logic Design ( Multiplexer, Combinational Logic Design Using Multiplexers, Multiplexer Tree), Demultiplexers/Decoders and their use in Combination Logic Design(Demultiplexer, Demultiplexer Tree), Address and their use as Subtractors (Adder with Look Ahead Carry, Cascading of Adders, Subtraction Using Adder), BCD Arithmetic (BCD Adder, BCD Subtractor), Arithematic and Logic Unit(ALU).
FLIP FLOP’s : Introduction, A 1-Bit Memory Cell, Clocked S-R Flip-Flop (Preset and Clear), J-K Flip-Flop (Race around Condition, Master Slave JK Flip Flop), D-Type Flip Flop, T-Type Flip Flop, Excitation Table of Flip Flop, Clocked Flip Flop Design (Conversion from one type of Flip Flop to Another Type), Edge Triggered Flip Flop’s, Application of Flip Flop’s (Bounce-Elimination Switch, Registers, Counters, Random Access Memory).
SEMICONDUCTOR MEMORIES :Introduction, Memory Organization and Operation (Write Operation, Read Operation), Expanding Memory Size (Expanding Word Size, Expanding Word Capacity), Classification and Characteristics of Memories (Principle of Operations, Physical Characteristics, Mode Of Access, Fabrication Technology), Sequential Memory(Static Shift Register, Dynamic Shift Register), Read Only Memory (ROM Organization, Programming Mechanisms, ROM IC’s), Read and Write Memory(Bipolar RAM Cell, MOS RAMs, RAM ICs), Content Addressable Memory(Operation of CAM), Charge Coupled Device Memory(BAsic Concept of CCD, Operation of CCD, A Practical CCD Memory Device).
SET THEORY :Set & Its elements, Set description, Types of Sets, Ven-Euler Diagrams, Basic Set Operations, Fundamental products, Partitions of Sets, Minsets, Algebra of Sets & Duality.
RELATIONS & DIAGRAPHS : Cartesian Product of sets, Binary relations, Representation of relations on finite sets, Path in relations & diagraphs, Types of relations, Composition of relations.
FUNCTIONS : Definition & notation of a function, Types of functions, Invertible functions, Composition of functions, Functions for computer science, Set representation in a Computer, Greatest common divisor, Least Common Multiple.
MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION : Principle of Mathematical Induction.
PERMUTATIONS & COMBINATIONS : Role of Sum & Product, Permutations (Important deductions, Permutations with Repetition of Objects, Circular Permutations, Restricted Permutations), Combinations (Important Results, restricted combinations, combinations of objects not all different).
RECURRENCE : Recurrence relation, Linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients, Solution of Linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients, Solution of non-homogeneous recurrence relations, Methods of generating functions.
MATHEMATICAL LOGIC : Prepositional Calculus, Basic Logical operations (Conjuction, disjunction, Negation, derived connectives), Statements generated by a set, conditional statements, Converse Inverse & Contrapositive statements, Biconditional statements, Tautologies, Contradiction, Contigency, Argument, Methods of proof, Equivalence & Implication, Statement Calculus.
BOOLEAN ALGEBRA : Laws of Boolean algebra, Basic Theorems, Duality Principle, Bolean Functions, Applications of Boolean Algebra.
Introduction to Office 2000: Introduction Microsoft Office 2000, Benefits of Office 2000, What is New in Office 2000, Overview of Office 2000, Launching Office 2000 Applications, Switching between Office 2000 Applications, Office 2000 Help System, Detect & Repair Windows, Menus and Toolbars, Closing (Existing) Office Applications, Windows, Menus, Dialog Boxes and Toolbars, Application Windows, The Application’s Workplace, Document Navigation, Working with Several Document Windows, Menus and Dialog Boxes, Dialog Box Options,Toolbars, Printing Documents, Exercises.
Introduction to Databases, DBMS and RDBMS : Introduction, Information, Quality of Information, Information Processing, What is a Database?,Why a Database?, Charateristics of Data in a Database, What is a Database Management System (DBMS)?, Need for DBMS, Types of DBMS, Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), RDBMS Terminology, Relational Data Structure, Relational Data Intergrity, Conclusion, Review Questions.
Access 2000 Basics : Introduction, Starting Access 2000, Access Startup Dialog Box, Menus and Toolbars, Using Toolbar Buttons, Arranging Buttons on the Toolbar, Viewing Data, Creating an Access 2000 Database and Tables, Database Properties, Modifying Tables, Creating Forms, Entering and Updating Data Using Forms, Navigating between Records in a Form, Finding, Editing and Deleting Data in a Form, Using Access 2000 Help, Using Answer Wizard, Using the
Contents Tab to Get Help, Using the Index Tab to ger Help, Exercises.
Report and Queries : Introduction, Sorting and Filtering Records, Creating and Printing Reports, Creating and Using Queries.
Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) : Introduction, Characteristics of SQL, Advanges of SQL, Types of SQL Tables, Create Table, NULLS, Data Manipulation, Update Operations, SQL in Access.
Query by Example (QBE) : Introduction, SELECT Queries in QBE, Make-Table Query, DELETE Query, UPDATE Query, APPEND Query, Conclusion, Exercises.
Analysis of Algorithms : Why Analyze Algorithms?; What is Analysis?; What Analysis doesn’t do?; What to count and consider?; Cases to Consider during Analysis; Rates of Growth; Analysis of Sequential Search Algorithm (Worst Case Analysis, Average Case Analysis).
Arrays : What are Arrays?; Array Operations; Merging of Two Arrays; Two-Dimensional Arrays (Row Major and Column Major Arrangement, Common Matrix Operations, More Matrix Operations); Array of Pointers; Multidimensional Arrays; Arrays and Polynomials; Multiplication of Polynomials.
Strings : What are Strings?; Representation of Strings; Operations on Strings; Pointers and Strings; A Two-Dimensional Array of Strings; Array of Pointers to Strings; Limitation of Array of Pointers to Strings; Pattern Matching (Brute Force Algorithm); Few More String Functions.
Linked Lists : What is a Linked List?; Operations on Linked Lists; Ascending Order Linked Lists; Reversing the Links; Merging of Linked Lists; Sorting a Linked List; Circular Linked List (Function delcirq(), Function cirq_display()); A few more Operations; Recursive Operation on Linked Lists; Doubly Linked Lists (Function d_append(), Function d_addatbeg(), function d_addafter(), function d_delete()); Linked Lists and Polynomials (Function poly_multiply(), Function padd()).
Sparse Matrices : Representation of Sparse Matrix as an Array; Common Matrix Operations; Transpose of a Sparse Matrix; Addition of Two Sparse Matrices; Multiplication of Two Sparse Matrices; Linked Representation of a Sparse Matrix; Other forms of a Sparse Matrix.
Stacks : Operations on Stack; Stack as an Array; Stack as a Linked List; Applications of Stacks; Infix to Prefix Conversion; Infix to Post-fix conversion; Postfix to prefix conversion; postfix to infix conversion; Evaluation of Postfix expression.
Queues : Representation of Queue as an Array; Representation of a Queue as a Linked List; Circular Queues; Dequeue; Priority Queue; Array Implementation of a Priority Queue.
Trees : Binary Trees; Traversal of a Binary Tree; Representation of a Binary Trees in Memory (Linked Representation of Binary Trees, Array Representation of Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees); Operations on a Binary Search Tree (Searching of a Node in a BST, Insertion of a Node in a BST, Deletion from a Binary Tree, Applications of Binary Trees (Representing Expressions In Binary Trees).