You Get the Most Benefit From Your Networking Efforts

Have you ever been to a networking meeting, or a live event, where you've learned plenty, and rubbed shoulders with lots of potential ideal clients, or even joint venture partners? Then with the promises of 'let's set something up' still ringing in your ears, you get home, and it's all forgotten!
You may have heard that old adage "The Fortune's in the follow-up" and it's TRUE!
Yet despite your best intentions you never quite get round to it, and when you DO remember to do something about it (usually when you re-discover those dog-eared business cards at the bottom of your bag, along with the half eaten packet of mints) it doesn't feel quite right to follow-up. The moment has passed, and the afterglow has long since evaporated.
As with most business mistakes and overlooked opportunities, the reasons for this are A) because you don't recognize the importance of what you've overlooked, and B) you don't have a system in place to maximize those opportunities.
And timing is everything with this particular opportunity.
Why wait 37 days to follow-up with someone you've met, when you could do it within a couple of days?
Do you think that after all those weeks the people you met are going to remember you, and what you talked about with them at the meeting? Well maybe, but often, NO they won't, because they themselves will have been sucked back into the day to day details of their business, and frankly you will no longer be top of mind for them.
These days we are bombarded with information and opportunities every day. So why not be the one that DOES catch their attention, by doing what you said you'd do, and actually following up with the Free report, or referral, or resource, or idea which you chatted about?
Be the person with integrity, to set you apart, by doing what you said you were going to do!
Here are 7 simple strategies to make it easy, and systematize it.
1.When you schedule time to attend an event, always schedule additional time for your follow-up within 2 days after the event. If you don't schedule it, it probably won't happen.
2. Be meticulous in your note-taking at the event.Jot down who you spoke to, briefly what you talked about, and also what you promised to do for them, as well as any other good 'connector' information.
3. When you follow-up with them, remind them that you chatted at the event this weekend, and how nice it was to meet them and learn about their business (for example), and here's the report / referral / information as promised. You're subtly reminding the recipient that they had agreed for you to contact them.
4. Be focused on adding value- although you've met in person, this is still a 'young' relationship, so don't make the mistake of shoving a hard sell into their face.
If you think the person could be a good fit for you, either as a possible client, or as a potential business joint venture partner, think of how you can help them first - with ideas, resources or connections. This will help to cement their trust in you, and show that you aren't just after what they can do for YOU!
You might offer
  • A Free report
  • A copy of a relevant article you've written
  • A couple of referral ideas
  • Some details of a resource you know could help them (not necessarily yours)
5. Make it easy for your follow-up recipient to agree to let you follow up again, by suggesting something further that could add value for them.
You could suggest a follow-up coffee meeting, or skype call to chat through further ways you could be of use to one another, or recommend some helpful resources they might like which are coming up in your newsletter if they'd like to be on the subscribers' list.
6. Get out of your own way! Another reason why people often don't follow up is the FEAR factor. Having left the event, they start to get doubts, telling them all the reasons why their follow-up won't be welcome. They might think it would be too pushy, or that they didn't come across as well as some of the other attendees at the event, for example.
The beauty of following up to add value is that it shows you aren't just 'after the sale', and that you are genuinely interested in finding out more about the person you're following up with, in order to be helpful. Most people are much more receptive to this type of follow-up.!
7. Realise that networking and connecting with people face to face is a HUGE benefit to your business, so get out of your comfort zone, and armed with your new system to maximize the afterglow with your value focused follow-up, GET CONNECTING!
Look at how you can schedule these 7 strategies into your networking, as part of your marketing plan, and you'll be surprised at how much better your networking results become, leading to better alliances, and more clients.

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