You Must Be Able to Explain What You Do in 30 Seconds

An elevator speech is a marketing tool and an important one at that. However let's address a common misconception, namely: "An Elevator Speech is a waste of time because there is no way you can develop a relationship, or explain a complex business in 30 seconds". I have even heard people suggest elevator speeches should be "banned" at network meetings.
Now, it matters not what you call your introduction, but you CAN and you MUST be able to articulate your business in 30 seconds. In fact you need to be able to to it in 10 seconds.
Here's why:
  • You need to get attention - you have 10 seconds to do that. If you fail, attention wanders and you are far less likely to get into a meaningful conversation
Now, of course you are not trying to develop a relationship in 30 seconds. Equally you are NOT trying to explain what you do in that time frame. Forget any notions you may have had that those are key goals of an elevator speech - they are not.
Think about the reaction you want when you introduce your business (or yourself for that matter). A great reaction is no more or less than: "That sounds interesting, I'd like to hear more about that". NOW you are into a dialogue that allows you to start building the relationship, networking, finding referral partners, seeing if there is a hiring relationship to be had and so on.
This is a huge difference. Many of the complaints about elevator speeches stem from the fact that people are trying to explain or sell during their 30 seconds. You don't need to - that is not the point of an elevator pitch.
HOW to do this is a separate article but basically it boils down to articulating WHO is your ideal client and WHAT challenges are they dealing with that you are set up to solve. When you get that right, you will get that great reaction to your introduction.

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