5 Tips on Networking at Student Events

Student events such as conferences, competitions, courses, etc. are certainly fun and can provide you with a lot of information and experience in a field. However, their real value is networking. Networking is probably the single most important skill set in the professional world. Connections to various professionals are irreplaceable not only for job hunting, but can prove most useful in a variety of situations. You can never predict when you'll need to use a connection, so it's better to keep them close at hand. This where networking and socializing at student events comes into play..Here are five tips from an experienced socializer on how to more successfully "schmooze" at student events in 2011:
1. Go to cocktail hours and other socializing events scheduled at the end of the day no matter how tired you might be. Have fun and you'll attract positive attention.
2. Talk to as many people as possible. Don't stick to your own circle. Branch out. A general rule of thumb is that when groups of more than two people are conversing at a socializing event, you're welcome to join. It's a little trickier with two-party conversations. There you have to carefully observe whether the two are facing each other or standing at an angle to each other and facing outward. The former is a sign of a personal conversation and you'd better not interrupt, but the latter is an open invitation to anyone to join in. Don't hesitate to approach people - they are there to meet you as well and they can benefit from knowing you just as much as you can benefit from their acquaintance.
3. Never leave early, linger around. The time when most people have already left is perfect for meeting other enthusiastic students like yourself. The atmosphere is very inviting and somewhat more intimate than at the height of the event and you shouldn't miss out on the opportunity to have a heart-to-heart with a fellow lingerer!
4. Collect contact information. It's useless to meet people if you have no way to ever reach them again. Whether it be their email, phone number, Linkedin or even Facebook profile make sure you have a way to contact them when you need to.
5. Follow up within a week. Send a quick email, text message or whatever suits your style best soon after the event. This way you remind people of yourself while flattering them by remembering them. It is also a great way to very subtly drop your own contact details.
That's it. Five simple tips to help you make the most of your experience at all the student events in 2011 and build a strong professional network for the future.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Olena_Petrosyuk

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