Making Money on eBooks

Are you looking to make money on the internet? Are you expecting to do it with an eBook? Have you got this wonderful idea that you know will make you a ton of money if only you can get your ideas down on paper. Don't be surprised a lot of people are thinking exactly the same thing as you are.
The sad truth is most of them will be disappointed.
Amazon has reported that eBook sales are now outstripping physical book sales. And the market is predicted to triple in the next 4 years. eBooks are definitely a growth market and the growth is going to increase over the next four years at least. There's no question that writing an eBook is a great idea.
But can you make money by writing an eBook.
The sad answer is probably not. It takes a lot more than simply writing an eBook to make money. In this article I'm going to some of the ways that you can make money on eBooks.
One of the first things that you need to realize is that most first books -- even non-fiction -- don't make money. Most authors are still trying to recover their first advance when the royalties from their fourth and fifth books start being paid. Success as an author is a matter of developing a following. Or perhaps better terminology is to say a fan base. That's what you really need to succeed -- a rabid fan base that wants to buy your next book before your current book is even read. One that buys all your books as they are released.
Fortunately, making money on an eBook doesn't rely on the number of books you sell. If it did we'd all starve.
There are a number of other ways of making money on an eBook. For example you can use an eBook as only part of a product line. Once you've written an eBook on "Stopping your Cat from walking across your keyboard while you're writing" you can turn that same material into a live seminar. The seminar can be recorded and sold as a DVD set. The sound can be turned into a CD set. And the transcription can be used in a group coaching program. By the time you finish creating other higher paying products you can literally give the eBook away in exchange for an email address and still make money on the eBook.
You can also use your eBook as a sampler for a consulting or coaching practice. You give the eBook to potential customers and if they like what you have to say they'll hire you. This can be even more successful if you advertise prior to release that you are currently writing a book.

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