Need for SWAS
Since the beginning of time, man has dreamed of reaching the stars. With the advent of new technologies, numerous achievements have been made in this area. Despite the enormity of these achievements, it is clear that we will never make it to the edge of the universe by burning fossil fuels, or even using atomic power. They are simply incapable of moving us faster enough or efficiently enough to span the vast reaches of space. It’s time to consider radical new alternatives.Imagine a galactic travel at speeds equal to, or perhaps even faster than, the speed of light, in perfect safety and comfort. Imagine if science were to contribute a passenger vehicle that eliminated the need for roads or railways. In fact, a vehicle that emitted no exhaust fumes at all didn’t require wheels.
With the prospect of global warming, a finite supply of oil, and an increasing world population, we need a source of cheap, clean power that will answer all our power requirements for the future. In this connection it is worthwhile to think about the problems which demonstrate the interdependency of economics, food, population, environment and national goals, and their dependence upon various existing power sources – primarily hydrocarbons. Some of these which need immediate attention can be listed as:-
(1) Ice Shelf Collapses – A portion of the Antarctic Larsen 13 ice shelf larger than the US State of Rhode Island has broken from its parent mass – Global Warming blamed.
(2) Glaciers melting rapidly: Total meltdown could take as long as 1,500 years.
(3) Russian scientist Hawking warns Earth may become like Venus. “The human race would not survive another millennium. The greenhouse effect.”
(4) Sea of Japan faces death. “Fewer nutrients to feed plankton…depriving food to fish and other species up the food chain, global warming blamed.”
(5) Running on Empty…oil companies say we are doing fine. But others warn that the world’s fuel tank is running dry – with no chance of a fill up.
(6) Ozone hole starts taking toll in Antarctica.
(7) Europe-sized ozone hole over Antarctica.
So mankind must sooner or later discover how to generate energy without the use of nuclear or hydrocarbon fueled machinery. Defying gravity, according to American scientist Mr.Alfred.F. Bernhard, is the only obvious solution. He developed a theory he claims will render fossil fuels redundant and help remedy most of the earth’s environmental anomalies. He calls it “sphere within a sphere (SWAS)”, a machine that will neutralize gravity. It is a technology by which null gravity can be achieved using rotating magnetic field SWAS offers a simple, elegant solution that could solve many current problems not just space travel. It could help eliminate pollution by providing a safe, dependable, clean power source. Imagine a world no longer relying on outdated, polluting fossil fuels to power our society.
The idea is to channel the neutralized gravity into a number of applications: vehicles, aircraft, space vehicles of all types, lifting machines, and mains power generation. The device, according to American scientist Mr. Eberhardt, will not only be workable as a human-carrying machine but as an energy generating motor.
The four major points why we go for neutralized gravitational power for power operations in future are:-
1) Gravity as a fuel is unlimited and omnipresent throughout the universe as we know it. No gas stations required as the fuel is already all around us.
2) Gravity and its applications are 100 percent pollution free.
3) Gravity power cost per application i.e., in vehicular movement, satellite deployment, building construction and deep space exploration etc is so insignificant that it is not a consideration.
4) Gravity’s speed and travel potential are such that the far stars of our universe will be approachable in acceptable human life frames i.e., a trip to the moon in a few seconds or minutes if you prefer.
To make use of gravity power practical, we need what we call as SWAS. Sphere within a Sphere units.
The Basic SWAS Concept
Figure no:1 Top View
A – Chassis
B – Outer Sphere
C – Inner Sphere
D – The NEMGE area
The fundamental device is a workable machine whether small and experimental (baseball size) or large enough to carry numerous humans inside that is composed of two spheres that rotate in opposite directions to each other.
The Spherical Thesis
Side View
A – Chassis
B – Outer Sphere power source
C – Inner Sphere power source
D – The NEMGE area
Figure no: 2
The object of the counter rotating spheres is to utilize their opposite speeds and consequent surface friction to interact to produce a gravity free zone in between the spheres. The energizing of a small experimental model may be powered by motors mounted at the top and bottom of the SWAS device. One motor powers the inner sphere and one motor powers the outer sphere. For a larger SWAS, i.e., one containing a team of humans the motors could be mounted internally or externally, again at the bottom and top of the inner sphere with one motor geared to start the outer sphere and one to start the inner sphere.
The Neutralizing Factor
Figure no:3 Side View
A – Chassis with motors
B – Inner Surface of the outer sphere
C – Outer Surface of the inner sphere
D – The NEMGE area
The actual motors are only required to start the spheres in their initial counter rotating action. Once the friction of the outer surface of the internal sphere starts to react with the inner surface friction of the outer sphere a point will be reached where the magnetic force field of earth’s gravity will be neutralized and the SWAS machine will be completely free of any gravitational influence except its own.A – Chassis with motors
B – Inner Surface of the outer sphere
C – Outer Surface of the inner sphere
D – The NEMGE area
Once the spheres are rotating at this critical speed called the NEMGE (The Neutralizing of Earth’s Magnetic and Gravitational Effects). The NEMGE phenomenon will sustain itself because friction and Earth’s Magnetic forces between the spheres has been eliminated. Thus the starter motors are no longer required. Once the NEMGE has been attained the SWAS vehicle will immediately move directly opposite any magnetic and gravitational forces it is close to. In the case of earth the SWAS vehicle will move at right angles to earth’s gravitational pull. In other words away from earth rapidly or slowly depending upon the two spheres relative speeds.
Figure no:4
Side View
A – Chassis
B – A moveable magnet which is shifted around the external chassis (A). The SWAS unit will move opposite the magnet position. Ergo, if the magnet is on the North side, the SWAS will move South.
To control the SWAS vehicle once the NEMGE has been attained there are two factors. The first factor is that the internal sphere motors may now be used to brake or slow either spheres rotation thus increasing drag or the gravitational effect of earth or other planets on the SWAS vehicle. To control the direction of the SWAS vehicle relatively small magnets may be moved around the spheres to counter the effects of the SWAS’s gravitational field. The movement of the magnets on the outer spheres surface will in effect steer the SWAS vehicle through any air and / or space environment by providing a magnetic field to oppose the NEMGE thus push the entire SWAS vehicle in the direction directly opposite the moveable magnet.
Attaining NEMGE
Figure no: 5
Side View
A – Power Spheres (1+ 2)
B – Human Environment Sphere (3)
At the present time there are no hard figures to indicate when the NEMGE will occur. However, it is inevitable that through experimentation the NEMGE will be quantified. Experiments with rough vs. smooth surfaces on the SWAS vehicle spheres will indicate whether a lower or higher RPM rate will be required to attain the NEMGE. Also through experimentation the optimum NEMGE gaps distance will be determined, i.e., microns, centimeters or inches.
Once the NEMGE is attained inside the inner power sphere there will be established a gravitational environment quite similar, if not exactly like earth’s surface gravity affect on humans. Inside the inner sphere will be the area that humans can habitate using artificial life support systems, i.e., oxygen, water, etc. To be practical the two spheres that produce the NEMGE will be the “power” spheres. Therefore a third sphere may prove to be useful for crew. This will be also attached to the chassis.
The NEMGE Syndrome
Figure no:6
Top View and cut away
A - NEMGE Area (The actual space in between the outer and inner spheres of the SWAS vehicle.)
A - The area to be injected with other than “just” air, i.e., possibly Nitrogen, or a combination of other elements.
A - The area to be temperature controlled, i.e., warmer or cooler
There are three factors that could affect the SWAS vehicle and its attaining the NEMGE condition. They are:-
1) The atomic structure of some elements could possibly enhance the attainment of the NEMGE.
For example: Any pure or mixed element(s) if injected into the space between the two power spheres (A) will ultimately allow the maximum NEMGE to be attained at a specific RPM. Perhaps a pure Nitrogen environment or a mixture of one or more elements could be the answer. There is also the possibility that these elements will comprise a “fuel” to better sustain the NEMGE condition.
2) It is also possible that by controlling the NEMGE area (A) temperature, this will also affect the efficiency of the SWAS vehicle, i.e., a warmer or cooler temperature of the NEMGE area (A) may allow the NEMGE area to attain the NEMGE condition more quickly and efficiently.
3) Under certain circumstances, a complete or pure nothingness coupled with proper spinning qualities or characteristics will also provide a NEMGE or VOID condition in Area (A)
Gold=Chassis, Blue =Outer Sphere, Red=Inner Sphere, Grey=Human Environment Sphere, White line=Neutral Gravity.
Two spheres one inside the other spinning opposite each other, but very close will literally scramble the binding aspect of the atomic structures present between the sphere’s surfaces, thus eliminating nature’s various strong forces and establishing a gravity free zone between the spheres.The resulting frictionless and gravitational void will enable the SWAS unit to resist any external gravitational fields and will immediately seek the weaker gravity of near and deep space. By controlling the RPM the “void area” may continually be adjusted to suit the effort at hand be it here on earth or an exploratory SWAS unit with internal crew .We can steer SWAS magnetically. A very small moveable magnet on the outside, when shifted, will represent to the neutralized SWAS spheres that there is an external magnetic/gravitational force to be avoided, thus the SWAS vehicle will move opposite the shifting magnet.
Once the NEMGE has been attained the occupants of the inner sphere (anything inside the inner power sphere) will be completely immune to other gravitational and magnetic forces. In other words they have established and are now in their own gravitational environment. Among other things complete right angle turns at great speeds will not affect the inner SWAS sphere occupants.
Without experimentation, it is difficult to gauge the relative speeds attainable by SWAS in the NEMGE condition. However, when considering the powerful affect that gravity has on keeping our Solar Systems planets in orbit a small man made machine utilizing natures least understood but powerful force – gravity – the speeds are judged to be incredible, possibly millions of miles per hour – earth time. The ultimate speed will far surpass that of light.
Regarding the SWAS speed once the NEMGE has been attained consider the following. It takes incredible engineering and thrust for current rockets to overcome earth’s gravitational pull, but once in space speeds of 25,000 miles per hour (mph) is attained by using mere fossil fuels. Therefore, think of the speed of a vehicle that immediately neutralizes earth’s and other planets – gravitational fields? Once that effect (the NEMGE) has been reached the SWAS vehicle would move away from gravity faster than the eye can follow, it will in actuality disappear before ones eyes.
Essentially sooner or later somebody will quantify how to neutralize gravity (not anti, but neutralize) and they will have to use the design now formally documented – SWAS (Sphere within a Sphere). No matter what is constructed ultimately the vehicle will be composed of perfect or near perfect spheres to attain the maximum NEMGE.
The SWAS vehicle will ultimately provide very fast and human comfortable conditions required for meaningful and in depth exploration of space, i.e., the faster it moves the less food, oxygen, etc., will be required for the crew and since the inner sphere will establish its own gravity the very uncomfortable and difficult-to-live-in condition of weightlessness will not be present.
According to the nature of application the SWAS unit can be of four types .They are:-
1) Nanotechnology – very small units that may be implanted in humans. For example under the shoulder or in the hipbones. This would allow all internal organs such as the heart to beat slower and more efficiently because gravity has been reduced on the body.
2. Motor size – Baseball to basketball size for materials and/or vehicle lifting and propulsion, i.e. automobiles and aircraft
3. Cosmic Explorer size – Thirty to Sixty feet in diameter with internal crew
4. Weapon size – Small, golfball shape and size. Constructed to operate at the highest RPM possible. It will perform at light speeds and use its’ speed to destroy targets.
Applications in detail:-
1) SWAS could eliminate the need for fossil fuels and give us small, light, efficient motors that would run for decades without breaking
down. Apart from its efficiency, we would end up with a cleaner, quieter world: no more pollution from smokestacks or vehicles. A small SWAS engine would be capable of powering cars, planes, ships, and other vehicles without the need for refueling stops. If the engine is stopped for any reason, just connect up the electrical starter, spin up the spheres, and the engine is ready again to take you wherever you want to go.
2) Deep space travel would become possible. SWAS could function not only as the propulsion system, but as the actual space vehicle itself. People carried in the interior sphere would not feel the effects of massive acceleration or turns because of the neutralized gravity. They could sit comfortably inside their revolving shells and travel at extremely high speeds. It could take us weeks instead of years to reach the outer limits of our own solar system and continue on to other systems.
3) SWAS motors capable of lifting very heavy loads, either here on earth, or in space. Imagine, for example, a small SWAS motor used in the construction industry to lift huge prefabricated building components into place.
4) For military operations: – . A SWAS no larger than a golf ball, spinning at extremely high speeds, could punch a small, clean hole right through brick, steel, concrete, glass, and keep traveling through all the other buildings in a city block with equal force. Now imagine dozens of them hitting buildings, striking load bearing beams and snapping reinforcing steel as they travel through. Buildings would collapse in seconds. SWAS could penetrate inches-thick armor to neutralize warships, tanks, and planes. It could be launched against war satellites and destroy them. SWAS weapons would make nuclear power look puny.
5) 95% of the world’s mains’ power generation will be SWAS driven. It can act as a source of cheap, clean power that will answer all our power requirements for the future.
6). In the medical industry, SWAS also has interesting potential. Every day, gravity wears on the bodies of Earth dwellers, and if a way could be found to counteract this force, it would certainly extend life spans; SWAS would make it possible to eliminate the negative effects of the Earth’s gravity on the body. Two immediate benefits would be greatly extended life spans and greatly reduced incidence of various physically harmful phenomenons such as cancers, hardened arteries, strokes, and heart attacks.
A SWAS mobile chair
The SWAS mobile chair shown in the figure has a SWAS motor attached to the bottom portion of it. This motor is capable of powering this chair. The same neutralizing gravity principle is applicable in this case also and as mentioned before, directional control is done by magnets which are made to move around the outer sphere. If the motor is stopped for any reason, just connect up the electrical starter, spin up the spheres and engine is ready again to take you.
1) Two Japanese scientists at the University of Tohoko spun a “special gyroscope” at speeds of 3,000 to 13,000 R.P.M. and the 11.3 ounce gyroscope lost between 20 and 60 millionths of its total weight. Since weight is a measure of gravity’s effects the result appears to violate known laws of physics.2) At the University of Maryland U.S.A. scientists experimenting with a vast array of gravitational devices detected very small anomalies that indicate a fifth force. The major instrument used to measure this phenomenon is a huge lead ball.
3) In 1997, a team of Japanese scientists at the Tokyo Institute of Technology announced that they were able to videotape the motion of a protein molecule which spun with incredible force. In effect it is a rotary motor – the smallest known. Its diameter is one – nanometer (one billionth of a meter) in diameter.
4) The Economist magazine in its science and technology section reported: “Molecules contain atoms, and the nucleus of atoms act like tiny magnets, A property called “spin” indicated which way an atomic magnet points. Its spin pointing perhaps up for “off” and down for “on”.
5) British and Dutch scientists levitated a frog by creating a massive magnetic field that was strong enough to distort the “orbit” of electrons in the frog’s atoms. The experiment was repeated with other non-metallic organic objects to include plants, grasshoppers, fish and water.
6) A study by U.S. researchers studying radio waves emitted by 160 galaxies indicated that the universe may have an “up” and a “down” Quote “the shocking thing about our result is that there seems to be an absolute axis, a cosmological north star that orients the universe…. they said there is no evidence that the axis causes the universe to rotate.
All these cover a diverse spectrum of events to include floating frogs, tiny organic motors, small gyroscopes, and a polarized universe.
What they all have in common are the words: spin, orbit, rotate, ball, etc., i.e., “the special gyroscope spun”, “the protein molecule which spun”, ”A property called spin indicates which way the atomic magnet points”, “the field was strong enough to distort the orbit of electrons in the frog’s atoms”, “they said there is no evidence that the axis causes the universe to rotate” and lastly ”A huge lead ball”.
Consequently, it is fundamental that if gravity is neutralized with the SWAS device, all universal external gravity would immediately recognize and attack this neutral gravity phenomenon which is controllable by various R.P.M.’s. Practically speaking a small SWAS unit (golf ball size) at perhaps 3,000 R.P.M. would suspend a table or chair and the same or larger unit at a much greater R.P.M. could lift a satellite to orbit.
The SWAS Foundation is a U.S. based non-profit corporation that has been granted the exclusive rights to research potential development of the Sphere within a Sphere technology. The corporation works to increase educational and scientific knowledge on this unique technology through publication, seminars, the internet, the media and many other sources. It also seeks to raise funds for research on the wide spread use of the SWAS technology in fields such as space, medicine, transportation, energy generation, military applications, as a component of pharmaceutical and other scientific research plus many other uses.
The SWAS Foundation is headed by knowledgeable and experienced professionals who maintain rigorous internal controls and comply fully with all corporation, state and federal laws in hiring, fund raising, responsible scientific research, etc.
Basically the SWAS unit development involves producing a machine that has only two major moving parts, the SWAS spheres, and the three minor movements, the north south chassied bearings and the directional control unit.
The following is a list of major priority actions that once accomplished will provide a gravity free NEMGE area. In turn providing a levitating SWAS unit that will operate anywhere in the known universe.
- Extremely precise machining of all SWAS unit components
- NEMGE chamber isolation
- Bearing and seal applications
- A SWAS units material compatibility with the NEMGE(void)area
- Rotation speed control and NEMGE chamber temperature
- Initial starter motor placement and performance
- Long range communication and directional control
The only part that may wear out in a SWAS vehicle is the bearing between the moving spheres. But even this has an answer. The researchers point out that dentist drills spin at very high speeds using air bearings; high-pressure air to cushion moving parts. This technology could be adapted to SWAS to eliminate friction and the possibility of breakdowns.
SWAS is now at its developing stage only, which is rapidly gaining acceptance and credibility. The fundamental fact is that once gravity is neutralized in between the two rotating “power” spheres, all known laws of physics regarding mass, acceleration, inertia, etc., will have to be redefined. No formula is yet available that indicates how large, or small, a SWAS vehicle will be required to lift – for instance – a two-ton earth satellite into a geo-stationary orbit.
Yet because of the basic fact that the SWAS vehicle will have absolutely no relationship to any gravitational influence other than the fact that it will immediately shun earth’s
gravity field, indicates that a very small machine will be able to lift very heavy objects with ease into near and deep space.
Depending upon the RPM and the degree of neutralization of gravity perhaps a two pound SWAS utility vehicle will effortlessly lift a nine to ten-ton, or more, object into space.
Battery power, solar power, wind power, hydro and tidal power, and nuclear power are all for one reason or another too specialized, too expensive, too dangerous, or too political to replace the hydrocarbon compounds that currently make our life livable or increasingly unlivable. Whereas SWAS theory and its applications represent a solution to mankind’s energy, transportation and cosmic exploration requirements for the next millennium.gravity field, indicates that a very small machine will be able to lift very heavy objects with ease into near and deep space.
Depending upon the RPM and the degree of neutralization of gravity perhaps a two pound SWAS utility vehicle will effortlessly lift a nine to ten-ton, or more, object into space.
No pollution. No exhaust fumes from planes, cars, ships, etc. SWAS can be a vehicle that humans can travel inside of, or a motor that lifts objects that humans can use much like an auto’s combustion engine. Also, SWAS human implants will extend life expectancy. One other aspect is that all SWAS units will run – spin, silently. No violent engine fuel chemical reactions, therefore, no noise pollution. Quiet Autos, implants, and spaceships. In short, the applications of SWAS will change life on earth dramatically.
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