If every time you pass by a display of greeting cards in a shop window, you think, "I could have designed cards which are so much better", then you might want to consider starting a business of your own. The idea probably never occurred to you, because, most people think about graduating and getting a good job. Very few people do venture out on their own. Others who have the security of a decent job are loath to part with it, because everyone knows that setting up a business is quite a hair-raising task.
The Advantages
But if you are creative enough, then you might definitely want to venture into the 7.5 billion dollar greeting card market! Another unique thing about this business is that your startup costs can be quite low, if you know how to go about things. You will need a good computer - which you probably already have, a printer and art supplies. What is more, you can use the internet as your marketing tool.
You won't need to set up a store or anything. You can have your store right here in the virtual world! You can also take stalls at fairs or little home parties to boost your sales. If you can make paper, then greeting cards designed on handmade paper are really popular and you can charge a high price on them. Plus, if your printing methods are eco friendly, then you could also increase your price on that.
Tips and Pointers
It is very important to get the pricing aspect of the business right. A good place to start is by comparing your cards with other cards in terms of price. This is one thing which everyone starting a greeting card business must do - study the competition. Having the right price for your products will automatically mean more business!
If you want to get into this business, it isn't necessary for you to undertake the entire process. You can concentrate on parts of the business. For example, if you are a highly creative person and good with art you can be a designer and start offering your service as a freelance. That brings a mean amount of money too. You could also be a freelance writer, if you're good with your pen. This involves probably the least amount of startup costs.
You can of course, go all the way and personally see to every aspect of creating your greeting card. For this purpose, you can purchase a vending route from a larger greeting card company and use that for shipping your products. You will need to:
The Advantages
But if you are creative enough, then you might definitely want to venture into the 7.5 billion dollar greeting card market! Another unique thing about this business is that your startup costs can be quite low, if you know how to go about things. You will need a good computer - which you probably already have, a printer and art supplies. What is more, you can use the internet as your marketing tool.
You won't need to set up a store or anything. You can have your store right here in the virtual world! You can also take stalls at fairs or little home parties to boost your sales. If you can make paper, then greeting cards designed on handmade paper are really popular and you can charge a high price on them. Plus, if your printing methods are eco friendly, then you could also increase your price on that.
Tips and Pointers
It is very important to get the pricing aspect of the business right. A good place to start is by comparing your cards with other cards in terms of price. This is one thing which everyone starting a greeting card business must do - study the competition. Having the right price for your products will automatically mean more business!
If you want to get into this business, it isn't necessary for you to undertake the entire process. You can concentrate on parts of the business. For example, if you are a highly creative person and good with art you can be a designer and start offering your service as a freelance. That brings a mean amount of money too. You could also be a freelance writer, if you're good with your pen. This involves probably the least amount of startup costs.
You can of course, go all the way and personally see to every aspect of creating your greeting card. For this purpose, you can purchase a vending route from a larger greeting card company and use that for shipping your products. You will need to:
- Ensure that there is an adequate stock of greeting cards for existing clients.
- Attract new clients for your cards.
- Replace old cards with fresher, newer and more attractive ones
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vincent_Irwin
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